"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."
-Helen Keller

It has been almost 3 years since we met. Nadia (Ehpen). Puteri (Putek). Arifa. And because of the long time, it’s make me remember all of you. All of those memories, haha that sometimes can make me laugh when i remember it. So Let me recall you and introduce all of you as my close friends to readers at once

Okay, actually I had been knew Putek since 12 years ago precisely when i entered elementary school in the first time. How a long time right? Yes, i was in the same elementary school with Putek. We’re a close friend in that time ‘till one day our relationship strained because of something. And when I knew that Putek and I entered the same junior high school, i was happy. Until we’re on grade 2, Putek, Nadia and i were in the same class. They suggested me to join Karawitan extracurricular and in that time, we knew Arifa as a new student in our class. And since she also joined Karawitan, we were closer as a best friend. Laughting together, sharing, joking, or doing something crazy. Until i suggest a name for our relationship, that’s BOLO (Bestfriend On the Last Obstacle). It’s a little bit weird right? Haha, actually BOLO is a Java language that means ‘friend’ so i just matched it. Hahaha. Unfortunately we’re separated when we were on grade 3, but we’re still best friend. Even we were closer ‘till someday we formed a mini band group and already exercised several times in a music studio. Although we just played with low capability, but the most important thing is the toghetherness, laughter and many crazy little things we did. Until we graduated and we’re separated in each senior high school, we still often meet.

Nadia is a remarkable girl. I learned a lot of things about life from her. She is a girl that will steadfast in her establishment. Independent girl. And she also known as a girl that boned male hahaha, i already prove it. Putek is a mucician. Yes, since i met her in elementary school, she was already prove her talent. And i think Putek is friendly and love to sharing with her friends. While Arifa is a karate girl who could beat anyone who bother her hahaha no, i'm joking. Arifa is a independent girl too. The most i love about her is her simplicity. Arifa is a smart girl who always learned me when i was in trouble. Hahaha.

They aren’t beautiful people, famous or people who loved a lot of people. But for me, they are the ones who can understand me, where they not only know the fun, they’re intelligent people in their field, they are crazy, and they are mine. I hope that we’re still be friends until forevah

BOLO in Photobox:)

Exercise Hahaha.


BOLO in hotel room:)
What a wonderful night.

Friday, January 30th 2015,

My group Tofam and i were dating (cihuy) in one of many malls in Surabaya, that's Royal Plaza. That day was Toto's birthday so we decided to get lunch in there. After all of the opaque things had done, we were separated to go home. Yuci and me decided to walk for an hours for shopping and suddenly i realized about an event in Royal. I saw on the announcement and there was a kebaya illustration category. Wow. I thought i want it, then i wrote the CP on my phone. The next day, i invited my dad to acompany me to ask about it. Then i registered my self. Okay. i had a month to the competition.
Then......... Saturday, April 18th 2015,

Finally the day was coming. I went to Royal Plaza at 1 p.m by the information. But in reality i had to wait for 2 hours. I went there by myself, alone huhu:( but it didn't matter. And the theme was told at the start: Kebaya KutuBaru Modifikasi. Okay i knowed the. With no table i started to illustrate my creation. Until 2 hours, finally i finished it. But unfortunately i didn't win yet. Maybe God has other plan for me and maybe i have to do exercise more. But over all, i enjoyed.

We were a Junior High School student?


Did we remember how memorable are the moments?

The building,

The schoolmate,

The student,

The teacher,

Even the time when we walked into the gate for the first time?

Sometimes people doesn't care about this reminiscences. Even they were just thinking about study, study well, or study hard. Pretend to be a nerds who merely wants to be number one in school. Oh Bud, why so serious? YOLO. yes. You Only Live Once in this world. Why don't you make your life's more meaningful by doing something? Hm, i mean something is a thing that isn't in your comfort zone. Doing something crazy, or maybe something funny and memorable. Oh don't be worry, we can still do the both of them. Because Junior High School is about school, love, friendship, and memories that we can enjoyed in.

Where in people said, JHS's time is the most unforgettable shcool time, JHS's the place where puppy love was spreaded. From 1st grade we were still in geek, then we turned into 2nd grade where many opaque and crazy things we'd did, until when we turneed into 3rd grade finally we had to focus to faced Final Exam called UNAS and because all of the classmate struggles had came together so there were many memorable things we had did together. Yes, it was memorable. Even when we graduated from it. We get older. Or we will be in our oldhood, we're never forget many memories about JHS.

Thanks for all the memorable reminiscences, Rholas!

     Hello good people! Long time no post in this blog. Haha. Kali ini aku bakal cerita untuk yang pertama kali ((: ok, check it out!

My Friend, My Laugh, My Gift

    Nggak kerasa banget ya enam tahun sekolah SD sudah terlewatkan. Tiga tahun yang unforgettable itu makin membayang. Eh sekarang sudah SMA! Dimana kata orang SMA masa-masa paling indah. Awalnya susah banget banget banget ngelepasin RHOLAZ (SMPN 12 sby) sekolah paling gokil nih. Bukan cuma banyak kenangan disana, tapi juga gurunya zangar-zangar. Tempatnya juga lwuuuas pol wes. TAPI... Sejak masuk SMA, this life must go on! Aku kudu ninggalin Rholas, tapi bukan berarti ngelupain ya.
     Di SMA aku nemu apaya...ya bisa dibilang kotak tertawaku. Pas aku buka kotak itu, rasanya kayak nonton ludruk Srimulat atau Stand up comedy-nya Raditya Dika yang kocak abis, gokil dan koplak. Haha. Mau tau apa isi kotak ituuuu? Haha. Mereka Oozma Kappa, temen-temenku sekelasku. Kelas kategori yang pertama kali di SMAN 6. Ada Miranda(Cindy), Dina(Pithon), Sischa(Ses), dan aku. Yaampun... kalo lagi ngumpul sekoloni gitu isinya ngakak teruuus. Pasti ada aja yang dibikin bahan guyonan. Kadang-kadang kalo aku lagi galo, kena remed, ada masalah gitu rasanya pwusing ya, tapi kalo udah pulang sekolah, udah ngumpul, suasananya langsung ganti jadi sumringah gitudeh hehe. Okede, aku kenalin temen2ku satu satu yaa..

     Ini Ses.
     Kalo disuruh describe anak ini ya, gak panjang-panjang cuman satu kata. GALOAN-_- 
Biasanya  pas di kelas P6 aja kalo pagi-pagi udah ndengering lagu pake headsetnya. Udiiin ae yang dipikirno. Kalo pengen tau Udin itu siapa, tanya langsung aja ya sama dia. Bisa lewat twiternya nih @siisscha . Ses itu kadang mangkelno, gak asik. Masa di ajak nyore gamau. Ikut jalan sehat, alesan tidur. Yaya ngerti senengane ngebo. Tapi Ses ini orangnya penyayang banget. Kalo nggak ngomong "Iya, Sayang?" ya "Apa, Cinta?" huuu. Kalo orang nanggepin serius mikirnya pasti Ses ada rasa, tapi ses mesti bilang gitu ke semua orang termasuk ke om-om. Haha. Jangan galoan ya ses, life is goes on kok! 
Nah itu yang dia yang kanan! Ses asline cantik, saking rada kopl*k hehe.
yang kiri? oh saya mah

     Nah kali ini Pithon.
      "Oposeh yon"
      "heleh"----->tapi itu sakjane omonganku dijiplak-_-
      "lak koplak"
      "tak keplak lo"
      "ojo gndeng yonooo"
     Arek unyu ginak-ginuk iki zangar. Awal kenal iku kok sawangane anak ini juahat yo? Lek ditanyai itu mesti gapernah nyenengno. itu karena aku duduk dibelakangnya, jadi aku sering tanya bee pas gurunya ngomong nggak jelas. Tapi ternyataaa podo koplak e bro. Kadang menggila, kadang sok bijak, kadang bisa juga serius. Aku sering susah mbedain pas dia guyon dan pas lagi marah. Beda tipis kyk tipisnya Charm body fit. Wkwk. Sayangnya dia  baru apdet twitter baru-baru ini (itupun yang ngajari aku-_-v). Tapi mbasio tampang pas-pasan ya gitu deh, tapi asline pinter bre, pengetahua umume luas. Jadi kita banyak sharing tantang banyak hal, termasuk dulinan dubbing"an haha. Okede kalo mau tau banyak ttg dia tanya sendiri yaa @dinapithon 

Ini nih! Foto pertama kali sama Pithon (kiri). Waktu itu habis upacara 17an-termasuk upacara pertama di sekolah baru! karena jalan dpn sekolah ditutup grgr ada upacara juga di grahadi, akhirnya putu di jalan. Serasa jalan milik berduaa$

Nah itu Pithon yang kanan! 
itu waktu pertama kali kita berempat (Oozma Kappa) keluar bareng.Ya walaupun keluarnya di taman apsari dan cuma untuk kerja kelompok (Drama PKN-aku masih inget:')) tapi itu kenangan yang pertama!

Itu pas didepan kelas P6, pas pulang sekolah boring nungguin jemputan akhirnya nyoba putu-putu deh gaya 'Hi World' berdua haha
 Nah ini juga salah satu foto gila kita.

Ini nih yang paling ditunggu-tunggu, daritadi geregetan pingin ndang cerita soal dia
      "Apaan tuh?"
     Haha. Kalo cindy bilang kayak gitu mesti aku dan pithon nyaut 'Duit?' Wkwk. tau kenapaaa? Soalnya itu kalimat yang ada di dialognya Cindy pas drama PKN haha, jadi kebiasaan sampe sekarang. 
     Oke Cindy itu uwimwut pol. Pipinya breee, mengembang layaknya adonan kue yang kebanyakan baking soda. Haha. Ditambah poni tengahnya yang kalo di tarik ke atas mesti mbalik lagi kebawah*oposeh.
     Cindy itu anaknya buaaaik. Kalo orang minta tolong ie dia gitu 95% dia mau mbantu loh. Yang awesome itu pas kamis pake batik, Dea anak P5 minta tukeran seragam sama aku gara-gara dia pake pramuka (batiknya masih di laundreyan) soalnya dia takut dimarahin bu Pakis guru *...pikirin sendiri orgnya..*, ya aku gamau lah. terlalu horor soalnya. Eh pas Dea ketemu Cindy, dengan gampangnya cindy mau tukeran. Mereka langsung ke tolilet padahal waktu Cindy ketemu bu pakis dia ditegur. haha itu crita yang bikin ngakak mameen.
     Kalo kata Pithon sih Cindy itu kopl*ak. Haha, emang kalo diajak ngomong sering gak nyambung bikin orang geregetan sekaligus ngakak. Haha, udah satu kelas, satu bangku pula sama Cindy. Kalo udah ketemu pasti isinya ngakak terussss bikin perut sakit Haha. Aku share dulu deh putu"nya yaa

itu Cindy yg kiri! itu foto pertama sama Cindy pas habis upacara. Fotonya didepan balpem, didepan zebra cross lagi wkwk. Eh lucunya di nggak bawa apa-apa, cuman bawa topi. oalah Cindy rek:D
waktu itu pertama kali keluar bareng, sama oozma kappa juga.
Nah! Cindy kalo foto candid pinter banget haha. Fotonya yang bawah keliatan unyu banget yaaa, pipinya lho:$

     Nah, sekarang foto kita berempat!!

semoga kita berempat akur yaa, selalu berbagi, sedih bareng, seneng bareng, 100% ngakak!